Chronic sinusitis is one of the most common illnesses among people, and statistics shown that there are at least 37 millions of Americans is suffering from sinus infection symptoms. Although it was a very common illness, until now there aren't any cure or solution that guarantee to get rid of them once and for all. The common therapy includes medicine, surgery and some sinus home remedies.
If your sinus infection is caused by bacterial, a simple dose of antibiotics might be able to get rid of it in a short period, but antibiotics don't works every time. Doctors might also recommend nasal spray to relieve your suffering from the symptoms, and actually nasal spray will only relieve the symptoms but doesn't help to cure chronic sinusitis at all. Besides that, you might face certain side effects after having these medicines, like being sleepy in office, regular headache etc. Often rely on nasal spray might affect your sense of smell, as the smell of nasal spray will be too strong.
The common surgery for chronic sinusitis includes functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) and another recently developed balloon sinuplasty. Undergo FESS will clear your sinus blockage by removing obstructive variations, both anatomical and pathological that predispose to sinusitis. The problem is, after first removal, chronic sinusitis might return and block your sinus passage again. Balloon sinuplasty will "enlarge" your sinus passages, which is similar to "unclog" your heart artilleries. Both surgeries are costly and there are lots of cases that after patients undergo such surgery, their chronic sinusitis revisits them again.
In my opinion, sinus home remedies will be the best chronic sinusitis treatment as there are absolutely no side effects, and doesn't cost much to practice. Below are a few therapies that I found it useful in tackling with chronic sinusitis
1) Inhale Water Vapour: make yourself a hot beverage every day, and before drinking it, let the hot water vapour to pass through your sinus. You will find that your sinus blockage be instant relieve.
2) Drink more Water: make sure you drink at least 8 cups of water per day. This will keep your body hydrated, and reduce the frequency of viral infection in your sinus.
3) Have Frequent Exercise: Please schedule yourself for exercising for at least 30 minutes per session, and 3 sessions per week. For better results, please conduct outdoor exercising. Breathing moist and fresh air will help to treat and relieve sinusitis symptoms, at the same time lead you to a healthier lifestyle.
4)Have more Vitamin C: It is scientific proven that vitamin C is very effective in preventing bacterial infection in your sinus. Please do not consume vitamin C tablets unless there aren't any other options. We can easily get natural Vitamin C from lots of vegetables and fruits like oranges, strawberries, blackcurrant etc.
There are a lot of ways to cure sinusitis, but for the best therapy, I recommend the harmless and effective home remedies. Please pay a visit to my website on sinus home remedies to discover more natural and simple way for chronic sinusitis treatment.
Hi I am Marion Hawkins, a chronic sinusitis patient. I have been dealing with lots of chronic sinusitis symptoms like runny nose, headache, embarrassing bad breath etc for past few years, until finally i approach an ebook guide on how undergo chronic sinusitis treatment. After a few months following the suggestion therapy stated on the book, my sinus inflection is getting better and better, and i can proudly say that the sinus home remedies in kill sinus really and prevent and cure sinusitis. Read through my experience and you might find it useful for you too!
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