Stages And Types Of Pregnancy Birth

Pregnancy birth or pregnancy labor begins with the onset of contractions and changes in the uterus, namely effacement. This is the shortening or thinning of the cervix and dilation, which is the opening of the cervix by about 5-6 centimeters. In a normal birth the cervix dilates up to 10 centimeters, when it is considered said to be "completely dilated."

As the process of pregnancy birth progresses, the contractions increase in number and intensity. A woman undergoing normal labor usually starts getting around 3-4 contractions in a span of 10 minutes, with each contraction lasting up to 60 seconds. Labor also begins with the breaking of the amniotic sac or "breaking of the water". The process of "pushing" where the baby and the placenta are delivered out of the vagina follows this.

Women, who experience pregnancy birth for the first time, may face a longer labor time of around 13-14 hours, as compared to women who are experiencing their second or third pregnancies.

Usually pregnancy labor starts anywhere between 37-42 weeks of pregnancy. However in some cases labor has to be induced, like if the baby gets too big or the 42 week pregnancy period has crossed. Pain induction involves the artificial onset of labor but this is also risky and is best avoided unless circumstances deem it necessary.

Types Of Pregnancy Birth

A natural pregnancy birth means a birth without the use of either drugs or surgery. Most doctors are in favor of this type of childbirth, as it is believed that a natural pregnancy birth enables the mother and baby to bond significantly while enabling them to remain off drugs at the same time.

In cases where unforeseen complications may arise during the process of pregnancy birth, the doctor resorts to a C-section or a caesarean delivery. This is a surgical procedure whereby an incision is made in the abdomen and uterus through which the baby is delivered. This usually happens if the mother suffers from a medical condition like hypertension, etc., the cervix stops dilating or the baby's heartbeat drops drastically.

Apart from these a water birth can be opted for, where pregnancy delivery takes place in a birthing pool of warm water. Else one can choose to have an active pregnancy birth where the woman is made to move around and deliver in an upright position.

Pregnancy birth can take place at a hospital, a birth center or at home. The main issue to be kept in mind is the safety of the mother and child. A hospital is considered the safest place for the birth of a baby as any sudden complications can be dealt with here, immediately. If one opts to deliver at home, arrangements should be made for at least two experienced midwives and a supply of oxygen.

The process of pregnancy birth is a culmination of nine long months of effort and anticipation for the mother. Hence, one should choose one's doctor, environment and type of delivery with careful consideration in order to ensure the birth of a healthy baby.

Pregnancy birth is a complicated process and the stages of pregnancy labor could be different for different women and pregnancy complications. Pregnancy Period provides all the information you seek about pregnancy and childbirth.

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