Pain During Pregnancy

When it comes to being pregnant, pain is inevitable. Most women experience pain head to toe, while others feel it in just one particular area of the body. Whether it's a headache, back pain, pelvic pain or leg and feet swelling, the pain can be hard to deal with. Lets go over which pain is normal and expected, as well as which pain needs medical attention immediately because of it's seriousness.

When it comes to headaches and migraines, they are very common among pregnant women. Many women experience headaches before they are pregnant and sometimes see an increase once pregnancy occurs, while other women see a decrease in the amount of headaches once the baby is conceived. 1-2% of migraine sufferers get their first headaches or migraines during the first trimester, but as the second and third trimesters come and go, their symptoms usually decrease.

When it comes to dealing with abdominal, pelvic or ovary pain, it's extremely important you know which one is causing the discomfort. These areas are within the same region, so it might take a doctor's opinion to figure out what's causing the pain. Some abdominal pain is normal, however, if you're experiencing abdominal pain as well as cramping, this could be a sign of something more severe and medical attention should be sought after immediately. Abdominal pain can happen early in the pregnancy, later in the pregnancy, or throughout the pregnancy. Causes for this pain can include implantation, stretching of the ligaments, false labor, or cramping. Avoiding quick movements, or bending towards the pain can help to reduce the discomfort until you can get to a doctor.

Pelvic pain can be severe enough to keep you from walking or moving around. It usually happens at the end of your pregnancy, as your body naturally prepares for childbirth. When it comes to your pelvic area, there are many bones and joints that are connected in such a way that doesn't usually allow movement. So as the joints soften and the bones move, a pregnant mother will definitely begin to experience pain. Doing things such as applying heat, getting plenty of rest and stabilizing your hips and groin through use of a girdle or prenatal belt will help relieve the pain.

Ovary pain on the other hand is a sure bet that something is wrong and another problem exists such as ovarian cysts, kidney stones, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, uterine fibroid, spontaneous abortion and more. It's very easy to mistake pain in the ovaries and other reproductive organs with pain in the abdominal and pelvic areas. This is because all of these organs and parts are located in the same lower region. Many women experience ovarian cysts as the childbearing age comes and goes. If you're thinking about getting pregnant, are prone to ovarian cysts, or have ovary pain before you're pregnant, you should seek medical attention and figure out the problem. The cysts could be cancerous, and pregnancy is never a good idea if ovarian cysts are involved.

Chest pain during your pregnancy can be caused by many things, and it's important to keep in mind that a pregnant mother is going to experience pains that are unavoidable, inevitable and down right painful throughout the pregnancy term. Chest pain, although scary at times, can be normal, due to things such as foods, or it can be the sign that something else is very wrong. If you're experiencing chest pains during your pregnancy, you should not wait to contact your doctor. This way, your doctor can determine the cause behind the pain, and ways to treat the pain. Causes could be heartburn, indigestion, asthma, widening of the rib cage, etc. If your chest pain is severe, persistent or accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness and weakness, you should call your doctor immediately. Other treatment includes making sure you are taking in the correct amounts of vitamins and nutrients such as iron, calcium and magnesium. Also, taking on a yoga class or other stress relief technique can reduce the amount of pain your body, especially your chest, receives.

When it comes to inevitable pains during your pregnancy, back pains are at the top of the list. There's no way to avoid it, as all women experience back pain. There are however, different ways to help reduce the amount of back pain you're experiencing. Think about it; the baby is growing, you're learning a new way to walk, your hormones are changing and you're gaining weight. Of course your back hurts! Try using heating pads, getting massages, exercising, improving your posture or lying down and resting to reduce your back pain.

There are many different causes of your leg or foot pain that can be avoided, especially if you take prevention steps early in your pregnancy. Controlling things such as poor circulation and blood flow to your lower extremities can help, or reduce the amount of pain you feel in your feet and legs during your pregnancy. Also, making sure you're receiving the correct amount of rest throughout your pregnancy will help the levels of pain. Getting into exercise routines that are not too strenuous early on will help with the pain too. But remember, that you're gaining weight, walking differently as the baby grows and experiencing pains all over your body that you've probably never experienced before. All of this will contribute to the amount of pain your body receives, especially your legs and feet. The number one thing you can do to reduce or try and avoid the pain in your legs and feet while you're pregnant, is drink plenty of fluids and get as much rest as possible. If you must work throughout your pregnancy, try cutting one day per week out of your schedule to focus solely on rest. Elevating your legs and feet at least 6-12 inches above your heart for 15 minute increments can help with blood flow.

Finally, round ligament pain. Most pregnant women don't know what their round ligaments are until they feel them. Your round ligaments are what is supporting the uterus. . As your uterus grows in size and weight, the ligaments begin to act as a rubber band, becoming long, thin, stretchy and tense. More importantly, the pain is due to the round ligament hitting nerve fibers and sensitive structures near and around your uterus. Exercising can be the culprit for this pain, as you stretch and work your muscles.

If you're experiencing any kind of severe pain, you shouldn't wait to see your doctor. Only you know how much pain is necessary and normal, so don't take the advice of anyone except your physician.

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