Nasal Sprays

Nasal sprays are small pumps that spray medicine into the nose, and are used for clearing congestion of the nose in case of an allergy or cold. Sprays containing antihistamines are used for allergies, like those caused by pollen or dust. Steroid and decongestant nasal sprays help in ailments like sinus, and saline sprays are used to alleviate irritation and dryness of the nasal cavity. The anti-inflammatory effect of corticosteroid spray helps in case of swelling and inflammation. Many harmful bacteria that cause infection in the body make their entry through nose, so taking proper care of the nasal health and proper cleanliness of the nasal cavity is very important for general wellbeing, thereby preventing the use of nasal sprays to a certain extent. You have to know that prolonged use of aggressive nasal sprays can harm the mucous membranes of the nose.

Pumps and pressurized canisters are used to spray the medicine. To use the canister or pump you have to clean the nose properly and breathe out keeping head upright, close a nostril and breathe in through the other nostril after shaking the canister and spraying. Breathe out through the mouth and keep the head tilted backwards, and repeat the procedure if required. The device must be clean and the medicine must be properly administered for best results and to avoid wastage of medicine. The devise should not be shared with any one. Medicines like steroids it will take at least two weeks to show the effect, and also in case of any discomfort or bleeding the use must be stopped and the doctor has to be consulted.

When the nose gets congested due to expansion of the membranes in the lining of the nose, the nasal sprays constrict the blood vessels and clears congestion. However constant use of the sprays may increase the tolerance of the membrane, thereby reducing the effect of the spray. This would require the increased use of the nasal sprays and would result in rebound congestion once the usage is stopped. The tolerance is not permanent and is reversible if the usage is stopped for a while, and it would always be better if the spray is not used continuously.

Nasal sprays are also used to treat ailments of other parts of the body, where the medicine gets absorbed into the blood through the blood vessels of the nose. While spraying, the draining of the medicine to the throat must be avoided as it may taste unpleasant. The taste can be cleared by drinking fluids.

Congestion of the nose is very disturbing and it also affects the sleep, thereby upsetting your day to day life. Inhaling the steam of hot water to loosen the mucus is the primary solution, you can also try drinking lot of fluids, and if the techniques fail you may seek medication. A saline nasal spray can help in many cases. A good nasal spray could decongest your nose up to 12 hours, considerably reducing the inflammation. Overusing can however cause stinging or burning sensations, even excess of mucus or sneezing. Rhinitis medicamentosa is condition that can develop if your use the spray for more than a week, where your congestion returns and is even worse than before. The use of the spray has to be stopped immediately in that case.

More information about the various aspects of snoring. Discover how to stop snoring once and for all.

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